Business Section
Financial Audit
Assets Appraisal
Financial Outsourcing
Tax Consultation
Real Estate Evaluation
Engineering Cost
Management Consulting
Business Services
Audit and assurance services:Audit of interim and annual accounting statements of non-listed companies; verification of shareholder investment funds and verification of equity transfers; audits of business mergers, divisions, and liquidation; audits of the tenure and departure of economically responsible persons of enterprises;
Audit and assurance services:Audit of interim and annual accounting statements of non-listed companies; verification of shareholder investment funds and verification of equity transfers; audits of business mergers, divisions, and liquidation; audits of the tenure and departure of economically responsible persons of enterprises;
Financial advisory service:asset management advisory; financial system design; corporate internal control system design;
Financial advisory service:asset management advisory; financial system design; corporate internal control system design;
Financial analysis:financial basic management, corporate investment decision-making, and finance Income and expenditure analysis;
Financial analysis:financial basic management, corporate investment decision-making, and finance Income and expenditure analysis;
Internal audit service:assist enterprises to establish and implement internal audit systems; audit the financial income and expenditures of enterprises and their affiliates and related economic activities; audit the management and use of funds of enterprises and affiliates;
Internal audit service:assist enterprises to establish and implement internal audit systems; audit the financial income and expenditures of enterprises and their affiliates and related economic activities; audit the management and use of funds of enterprises and affiliates;
Policy advisory: domestic policy advisory; feasibility analysis of corporate policies; formulation, implementation, evaluation and control of policy programs;
Policy advisory: domestic policy advisory; feasibility analysis of corporate policies; formulation, implementation, evaluation and control of policy programs;
Due diligence service
Due diligence service
Training services:accounting on-the-job training; professional quality and competence training of corporate accountants; training of new accounting systems, accounting regulations, and tax policies; Various other professional trainings in accounting;
Training services:accounting on-the-job training; professional quality and competence training of corporate accountants; training of new accounting systems, accounting regulations, and tax policies; Various other professional trainings in accounting;
Enterprise integration evaluation; Individual asset evaluation;Liquid asset evaluation;Intangible assets evaluation
Enterprise integration evaluation; Individual asset evaluation;Liquid asset evaluation;Intangible assets evaluation
Evaluation purposes and uses include: corporate restructuring, property rights transfer, merger, spin-off, change in equity stake, leases, joint ventures, shareholding reforms, Sino-foreign joint ventures, bankruptcy liquidation, dissolution, mortgage loans, real asset investment, asset reorganization, transfer, lease, auction, litigation, etc.;
Evaluation purposes and uses include: corporate restructuring, property rights transfer, merger, spin-off, change in equity stake, leases, joint ventures, shareholding reforms, Sino-foreign joint ventures, bankruptcy liquidation, dissolution, mortgage loans, real asset investment, asset reorganization, transfer, lease, auction, litigation, etc.;
Acting bookkeeping:Agent bookkeeping, agent tax declaration, agent declaration, agent invoice type verification and invoice application acquisition and other related procedures;
Acting bookkeeping:Agent bookkeeping, agent tax declaration, agent declaration, agent invoice type verification and invoice application acquisition and other related procedures;
responsible for participating in tax-related meetings, conveying meeting spirit etc.;
responsible for participating in tax-related meetings, conveying meeting spirit etc.;
Acting cashier:bank remittance, printing bank statements, taking bank receipts, paying wages, calculating and paying personal income tax on behalf of others;
Acting cashier:bank remittance, printing bank statements, taking bank receipts, paying wages, calculating and paying personal income tax on behalf of others;
Financial advisor:supervise the design of internal control systems of enterprises, supervise the design of corporate accounting systems and bookkeeping processes, act as corporate financial consultants, and regularly issue financial consulting reports;
Financial advisor:supervise the design of internal control systems of enterprises, supervise the design of corporate accounting systems and bookkeeping processes, act as corporate financial consultants, and regularly issue financial consulting reports;
Financial outsourcing:equipped according to the nature of the business and specific requirements of the company A number of qualified employees are fully stationed in the company and complete the designated tasks under the dual leadership and guidance of the office and the company;
Financial outsourcing:equipped according to the nature of the business and specific requirements of the company A number of qualified employees are fully stationed in the company and complete the designated tasks under the dual leadership and guidance of the office and the company;
Tax agency:monthly turnover tax, tax and other tax declarations, quarterly corporate income tax declaration, and annual corporate income tax Final settlement and payment, export tax rebate declaration, etc.;
Tax agency:monthly turnover tax, tax and other tax declarations, quarterly corporate income tax declaration, and annual corporate income tax Final settlement and payment, export tax rebate declaration, etc.;
Agency for business procedures:agent for enterprise registration, change, liquidation and cancellation and other related procedures, agent for general taxpayer qualification verification, enterprise self-operated import and export business right application procedures, agent for annual inspection, etc.;
Agency for business procedures:agent for enterprise registration, change, liquidation and cancellation and other related procedures, agent for general taxpayer qualification verification, enterprise self-operated import and export business right application procedures, agent for annual inspection, etc.;
Acting social insurance:agent for declaration and payment of employees Social insurance funds, handling employee-related social insurance reimbursement matters, handling employee social security wages verification, handling registration procedures for the increase or decrease of insured persons in social security, etc.;
Acting social insurance:agent for declaration and payment of employees Social insurance funds, handling employee-related social insurance reimbursement matters, handling employee social security wages verification, handling registration procedures for the increase or decrease of insured persons in social security, etc.;
Tax consulting:Taxation policy, taxation knowledge and answers to various tax-related matters; hired as a perennial tax consultant;
Tax consulting:Taxation policy, taxation knowledge and answers to various tax-related matters; hired as a perennial tax consultant;
Tax planning:provide enterprises with optimal taxation plans to help enterprises obtain maximum economic benefits;
Tax planning:provide enterprises with optimal taxation plans to help enterprises obtain maximum economic benefits;
Tax agency:agent for self-inspection and tax payment review before tax clearance; agent for various taxes calculation and declaration; agent for various tax-related issues on coordination, reconsideration and applications with the competent tax authority; agent for various tax refund applications and declarations;
Tax agency:agent for self-inspection and tax payment review before tax clearance; agent for various taxes calculation and declaration; agent for various tax-related issues on coordination, reconsideration and applications with the competent tax authority; agent for various tax refund applications and declarations;
corporate income tax settlement and payment declaration, loss confirmation, and pre-tax loss assurance; enterprise asset loss pre-tax deduction assurance; land value-added tax clearing assurance; enterprise tax clearance assurance; high-tech enterprise qualification assurance; enterprise taxable income plus deduction assurance; tax-related judicial assurance;
corporate income tax settlement and payment declaration, loss confirmation, and pre-tax loss assurance; enterprise asset loss pre-tax deduction assurance; land value-added tax clearing assurance; enterprise tax clearance assurance; high-tech enterprise qualification assurance; enterprise taxable income plus deduction assurance; tax-related judicial assurance;
Real estate appraisal service:Types include land, residences, apartments, villas, shopping malls, retail stores, office buildings, complex buildings, factories, warehouses and other general real estate projects, in addition to hotels, toll roads, bridges, container terminals, golf courses, civil airports, national-level special projects such as tourist attractions, tourism development projects;
Real estate appraisal service:Types include land, residences, apartments, villas, shopping malls, retail stores, office buildings, complex buildings, factories, warehouses and other general real estate projects, in addition to hotels, toll roads, bridges, container terminals, golf courses, civil airports, national-level special projects such as tourist attractions, tourism development projects;
Real estate consulting services:macroeconomic analysis, city-wide real estate market analysis, regional real estate market analysis, land parcel research, etc.;
Real estate consulting services:macroeconomic analysis, city-wide real estate market analysis, regional real estate market analysis, land parcel research, etc.;
consulting services for bank risk management departments include: mainly for sub-regions analysis of trends in residential, commercial and industrial real estate markets and land markets;
consulting services for bank risk management departments include: mainly for sub-regions analysis of trends in residential, commercial and industrial real estate markets and land markets;
Property management services:provide relevant information and policy advisory services for both parties in bulk property transactions;
Property management services:provide relevant information and policy advisory services for both parties in bulk property transactions;
Compilation, review and economic evaluation of construction project investment estimates
Compilation, review and economic evaluation of construction project investment estimates
Compilation and review of project estimates, budgets, settlements, final accounts for completion, project bidding base prices, and bid quotations;
Compilation and review of project estimates, budgets, settlements, final accounts for completion, project bidding base prices, and bid quotations;
Project change and contract price adjustment and calculation of claim expenses;
Project change and contract price adjustment and calculation of claim expenses;
project cost control at each stage of the construction project;
project cost control at each stage of the construction project;
Identification of project economic disputes;
Identification of project economic disputes;
Compilation and review of the basis for quantity surveying;
Compilation and review of the basis for quantity surveying;
Other matters related to quantity surveying;
Other matters related to quantity surveying;
Strategic consulting report;
Strategic consulting report;
Enterprise management consulting report
Enterprise management consulting report
Investment consulting and planning
Investment consulting and planning
Market research, investment planning, policy advisory, information advisory
Market research, investment planning, policy advisory, information advisory
Business secretary, financial advisory, legal consulting, human resources services
Business secretary, financial advisory, legal consulting, human resources services
Translation, ticketing, tourism services, typing and copying services;
Translation, ticketing, tourism services, typing and copying services;
10月12日,我事务所受邀参加了万电(天津)科技有限公司成立十周年庆典。    我所与万电公司自成立以来,一直保持着非常紧密的业务合作,我们为万电公司提供了包括注册登记代理、变更代理,前期的代理记账和后期的账务审核、顾问,以及各类审计服务,...
9月27日上午,广信机构组织东疆保税港区招商政策培训。我机构各商务秘书公司、财务外包部、审计部等相关人员共计40余人参加了此次培训。 (东疆保税港区王浩宇局长)(培训现场) 此次培训的主讲人是东疆保税港区新经济促进局王浩宇局长,王局长从东疆...
根据《关于开展2019年天津市注册会计师行业先进会计工作者候选人推荐工作的通知》的规定,由市注协组织行业专家经过评选,最终产生20名候选人,授予了“行业先进会计工作者”荣誉称号,我所王继生同志榜上有名。 王继生同志具有中国注册会计师,资产评...
 7月12日下午,行政人事部组织了本年度第二期新员工入职培训,本次参加培训的员工分别来自审计部、评估部、税务部、管理咨询部、财务外包部、房地产评估部、市场部、信隆、商务秘书部。 本次培训内容主要分为观看宣传视频、游戏互动、培训讲解和填写培...
7月10日,我机构组织召开了2019年度工商年报核查培训会。本次培训会由广信会计师事务所合伙人、质控部负责人王继生副主任主讲,质控部、税务部、商务秘书部共计20余人参加了此次培训学习。       本次培训内容主要针对2018年度企业年报...
 好雨知时节,喜报频相传!在刚刚结束的保税区商务秘书检查中,广信旗下的信至嘉、信至尚、至信、嘉和商务秘书公司榜上有名,其中除嘉和商务秘书作为首次公示以外,信至嘉、信至尚、至信商务秘书公司均名列前茅,为五星级企业。 信至嘉作为天津市成立最早...
 3月18日,风和日丽,春暖花开。我机构旗下信隆商务秘书有限公司喜迁新居并举行了隆重的乔迁仪式。   (信隆乔迁仪式)   信隆自2016年成立至今,一直秉承广信机构“明道德广,信立天下”的理念,不断超越,不断开疆拓土,取得了显著的成绩。...
 为继续贯彻人才发展战略,为广信第二个20年的宏伟蓝图储备人才,我机构举办了“广信机构优秀青年骨干人才”评选活动。本次骨干人才评选秉持公开、公正、公平的原则,由广信机构合伙人团队、党支部、行政人事部、财务部共同组成评审组进行评选。    ...
 岁序常易,华章日新。在这辞旧迎新的时刻又迎来了广信机构2019 年第一期的生日会。1月4日下午,公司会议室内欢声笑语、热闹非凡,刘静主任、诸葛书记、事务所的领导们、员工所在部门经理均受邀出席生日会,共同为一月份过生日的34位寿星们祝贺生...
Our   team
10月12日,我事务所受邀参加了万电(天津)科技有限公司成立十周年庆典。    我所与万电公司自成立以来,一直保持着非常紧密的业务合作,我们为万电公司提供了包括注册登记代理、变更代理,前期的代理记账和后期的账务审核、顾问,以及各类审计服务,...
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